Flying Over an Iceland Volcano!

In late July 2021 we managed to squeak in a summer trip to Iceland when it was safe between waves of COVID‑19.  We had the thrill of a lifetime when we flew in a helicopter over the erupting Fagradalsfjall volcano!  It was incredible seeing bubbling lava and the creation of new Earth right before our eyes.  It was our first helicopter ride and was so smooth.  The volcano was only a short 15-minute trip from Reykjavik.  We were surprised when our pilot said she had gotten her training near our home in Florida.  Every night we watched volcanic lava fountains from our AirBnB (15 miles away).  Sometimes the fountains shot up to 30 stories tall!  The eruption stopped just 6 weeks after our visit, so we feel fortunate that we had that experience when we could.  Incredible landscape and scenery!  Click on the pictures if you wish to enlarge.  For a nature lover, Iceland is the best!


About Pam
Richard and Pam lived in the San Francisco Bay Area 14 years (1987-1999 and 2008-2011). They lived in Florida 13 years previously, until returning in July 2011 to present. They hope their photography will encourage you to get out and discover nature's beauty in your own backyard, parks, and wild places. Click on any pictures on this blog to see them full size with additional details.

9 Responses to Flying Over an Iceland Volcano!

  1. Stephen Worthington says:


  2. SoyBend says:

    Wow! What an adventure. It looks beautiful.

  3. Whoa and Wow!! What an adventure!!

  4. Wonderful photos Pam. I’m very envious of your flight over the volcano and being in Iceland in summer. Lucky you. This volcano has dominated the pyrotechnic news for a while, so you must be chuffed to have seen it. With the Mid-Atlantic rift coming onshore on the island, it’s an absolute wonderland for geologists.

    All the best to you and Richard for a happy and healthy 2022. ~James

    • Pam says:

      Thank you James! And guess what – all bets are on the volcano re-erupting within the next week! Lots of earthquakes and similar events as last time. We’ll see. Best wishes for a healthy happy new year!

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